here's mine
Self-portrait that is . Not a well-executed one - more impulsive (in response to Kate at Shutter Sisters). This is the reflection in the gazing ball in my backyard. I sort of like it, plus it hides the facial wrinkles that I am becoming very aware of lately. I have been trying to get a self-portrait that I'm happy with but I just haven't gotten it yet.
I guess this one is acceptable enough to post. I really, really do not like photos of myself - I have a hard time acting completely natural. I tend to have a wide-eyed look and I'm stiff or something. Anyway, I'll keep working on it.
My daughter, on the other-hand, is a natural at taking self-portraits. She knows how to look into the camera and be expressive. She plays around with self-portraits all the time and gets some very good ones. Maybe it has something to do with age I don't know.
"Beauty......should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." ~1 Peter 3:3-5
thank you
the gazing ball puts a neat spin on the shot~
For me it is an age thing.
Anyway, your portraits looks great!
thanks for stopping by!!
the gratitude month was inpsired by all the doom & gloom & stress we have in our world right now!! Doing it has really helped refocus on positive, good things!! So glad I found your blogs!! i will stop back!! Good stuff!!